The boys and I had a great time this Valentine’s Day. First and foremost, John got home from a three night trip late last night, so first thing this morning the kids woke up to seeing daddy! Then it was pancakes and sausage, getting dressed, and off to school.

Jack had a great big day at school. At 9:30 the kids had a very special Valentine’s Day snack. I am the room mom so I took the class pink and chocolate cupcakes with heart shaped rings on them. Yummm. They also had a special valentine’s day gift exchange and arts and crafts. Jack’s teachers are awesome and come up with the cutest activities. Then for lunch the pizza man came and delivered pizza to the classroom. This is huge for Jack. He LOVED it. It was also the class’ first day to go to Chapel. What a big day at school! Jack told me this evening that he had “the most fun at school today.”

While Jack was having so much fun, I decided Grayson deserved something special too, so we headed to Schlotzsky’s to pick up a sandwich, chips and cookie. Then we headed for the Capitol, which is right across the street from our Church and Jack’s preschool, for a picnic. We sat and ate together on our blanket. Grayson was very hungry, as usual. Then I sat and watched him run around. It was so wonderful, the weather was perfect. We couldn’t have asked for a better day. See more pics here.

After picking up Jack we headed home and all had naps. I even took a nap which is pretty rare these days. When the kids woke up we went through all of Jack’ valentines from school and everyone had a lollipop.

When John got home (with a rose, champagne and cheesecake in tow) we cooked a delicious steak dinner and enjoyed spending time with the boys. Then it was more presents from mommy and daddy, nana and papa, aunt peggy, and one more lollipop to get thru bath time.

We couldn’t have dreamed up a better valentine’s day!

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Last night, for dessert, we fed Jack some watermelon (he had Pesto Chicken and brocolli for dinner).

Instead of cutting up his watermelon like we usually do, we handed him a big ol’ piece of it, rind and all… and he did great eating it…

Too cute:

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 179 user reviews.

Jack and I have had a great summer together. We’ve spent time in Lakeway with Debbie and Raymond and the rest of the family, we’ve taken swimming lessons and learned how to kick and splash in the water, we gone to many many weddings, we went to North Carolina to see Aunt Murrell, Grandma came to visit and helped us with inside stuff, and then Granddad came and helped us with outside stuff (the office). It has been super busy and super fun.

Then last week (July 12th thru 14th) we got to go to Bellville for a few days to visit Aunt Shadel, Uncle Evan, Cousin Ella and Grandma! We had a blast!!! Jack loves to play with Ella, and Ella loves to give Jack hugs and kisses. The two kids were so much fun to watch together!

While we were there we went out to Cap and Maxine Hillbolt’s ranch to go swimming in their pool. Jack and Ella had so much fun playing with Grandma in the water. We took some really great pictures of the two kids on the ranch. They even got to say hello to a group of cows that had come up close to the house for a snack. We “mooed” at them and they “mooed” back. On the drive out of the ranch I had to dodge a few cows in the road… honestly, I think that’s the closest I’ve ever been to cows! What a city girl I am! After Max and Cap’s we had Golden Pagoda for lunch… YUMMM!

That night Grandma came over and Shadel and I headed out for a night on the town. Bellville has a new restaurant on the square that looks like it is transplanted from the warehouse district in Austin. It is called The Fainting Goat. It is a great little place. They specialize in wine and mediterranean style food. We weren’t that hungry so we ordered a fruit and cheese plate, a hummus plate, and a bottle of wine. The food was very good, the wine was delicious, and the atmosphere was awesome. The couple that owns it transplanted to Bellville from Manhattan. That’s got to be culture shock! On Friday and Saturday nights they have live music and bring in bands from Austin, Houston, and even New York! Out waitress actually commutes to work there from Austin! Its really a cool place. If you’re ever in Bellville you should try it.

After The Fainting Goat, we went to another small bar that’s new to town, but it was so empty that they closed it early. Then we headed to the other side of town and visited the Blue Moon Saloon. That’s where we found the party. There were a few of Shadel’s friends there with a group of guys and gals. We hung out for a little while and then headed home around 11:30. It was great to get out… Thanks Grandma!

The next day Grandma took us out for breakfast at Newman’s Bakery which was yummy. Jack got to eat grits for the first time which he loved. After breakfast we played at Grandma’s house for a little while (and took pictures of course) until the kids were ready for naps. Grandma has spent the last year fixing up her house and it looks amazing folks! You can tell by the pictures we took of the kids playing in the “TV Room”. We’re looking forward to more play dates at Grandma’s house.

After naps, I packed up all our stuff, we had lunch, and then Shadel and I took the kids to Walmart in Brenham to get some of the pictures of our visit printed. Jack and I left from Brenham and drove home. About 40 miles from Austin we ran into a horrible thunderstorm, but I took it slow and Jack slept through the whole thing so we made it home just fine.

We had a great time in Bellville. Thank you Shadel, Evan and Grandma!

See the rest of the photos from our trip to Bellville here.

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Jack rolled over yesterday!!! He is four and a half months now and getting to be such a big boy! He rolled from back to front and then got upset to find himself on his tummy. He did it for me twice yesterday and once for John today. He is also babbling… lots of vowel sounds with a goo, ga, and ba mixed in. It makes for lively conversation at dinner time.

We started feeding him fruits and vegetables last weekend. We started with carrots. He wasn’t crazy about them at first, but by the third day he was gobbling them up. Next came bananas. He LOVES bananas. He is cute while he eats… he gets so excited. Next up we try peas. I wonder how that will go.

Average Rating: 4.5 out of 5 based on 281 user reviews.

Tonight Jack didn’t cry at all when we put him to bed! He has come so far in a week! He had dosed off while I nursed him one last time for the day. Poor little guy was so tired. When I laid him down in his crib he opened his eyes, which is usually about the time he decides he doesn’t want to sleep and starts crying. He watched me as I tucked him in and set his little stuffed lamb on his chest. He laid there sweetly watching me as I prayed that God watch over him while he slept. I kissed my hand and touched his forehead wishing him good night and he closed his eyes and went to sleep! I watched him in disbelief for a minute and then quietly left the room.

It feels good to finally lay our sweet little baby down to sleep… quietly.

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 273 user reviews.

Jack is getting so big! He weighs 14 lbs 14 oz and is 25 inches long. His height, weight and head circumference are all 50th percentile. Its been that way since he was born. Its reassuring to know that he’s growing and gaining weight like he should be.

The biggest topic of the appointment was sleep. Dr. Treybig says its time to get Jack sleeping 11-12 hours straight in his crib. It really sounds like quite a feat but John and I are ready to try it. She said there is no reason developmentally to wait another month, and that if we did, we’d just be getting him used to more bad habits (i.e. sleeping in his swing, rocking him to sleep, etc.) that will make it more difficult to correct as he gets more mature. Besides, I am ready for 11-12 hours of straight sleep!!! What a concept!

As far as feeding goes she says to keep feeding Jack the rice cereal (we started again last night and he was ready for it… he loved it). We can also start feeding him oat cereal, and Stage 1 baby food. She said to feed him a new food every three days or so and alternate between fruits and vegetables. She said to make prunes one of his first foods to help keep his system in check with all of the new solids (which can be constipating).

Dr. Treybig said that Jack is very strong and is ready for his exersaucer and Johny Jump Up which will help him gain more trunk support. I thought I had to wait on those toys till he was able to sit up on his own. It will be fun to see him playing with his new toys and jumping around in his Johnny Jump Up. That will make for a cute video for sure!

At the end of his appointment the mean shot lady came in and gave him his second round of vaccinations. He cried a little longer this time with big crocodile tears. Poor thing. We got home and I fed him and he has been asleep for an hour now. Those shots just wear him out. If he reacts like he did last time he’ll be really tired the rest of today and most of the day tomorrow.

I think that’s all.
Love you guys!

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This past weekend was one that I will cherish forever in my memories of both my Grandmother and my mom. We spent it in Oklahoma City. There were two reasons for the trip, I had to give Grandmother her Christmas present and we had to finalize some of the arrangements for her 90th birthday party…

Shortly after we arrived I brought in Grandmother’s Christmas gift. It is a cross stitch that I had been working on for three years (since living in Kentucky). I didn’t have it complete for Christmas so I packaged up a card telling her that I would bring her gift to her at the end of January. The cross stitch is a floral scene with the music and words for the hymn “Nearer My God To Thee” stiched over the flowers. She loved it!!! She had mom and I rearrange the pictures in her entry way so that it can be seen as soon as you enter her house. (I will post pictures as soon as I figure out how.)

Then we went to Friday night dinner with Grandmother’s friends at Jonny’s hamburger joint. I was told many times how sweet Grandmother is… this I already know. That night we watched the Opening Ceremony for the 2002 Winter Olymics.

On Saturday we ran several errands and got a great deal accomplished for her 90th birthday party. While we were out she bought herself jewelry and a hand bag to wear for her party. Once we were home she got them out as we watched the Olympics so that she could see her “new and pretty things.” She reminded me of a teenager excited about her new purchases.

On Sunday we went to Sunday School and Church, ate lunch at a nearby cafeteria, and drove by the OKC bombing memorial. It was a sweet and somber end to a perfect weekend. As we were dirving back to DFW, mom thanked me for coming stating that I don’t get many free weekends to do what I want to do. Honestly, I can not think of any better way to spend the weekend than with my triple generation buddies!!!

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 236 user reviews.