This is what happens you leave the scanner attached to your iMac and have two boys under 5 at home with access to it:


Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 215 user reviews.

Jack has to make a boat this week for school. On Friday, they get to bring the boats they made to class to try and float them together… They’re studying water right now, and the world of water around us.

So, Christine had an idea to make a boat out of wine bottle corks.

Jack and I built it tonight. And did we build a boat!

Jack had drawn the design of the boat out on a piece of paper, so building it was actually pretty easy. Just a little hot glue and some patience.

And here’s the end result… click to watch the movie:

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 215 user reviews.