This year, we took the boys to the Austin County Fair, but only on Thursday and Friday, because we flew to Tulsa on Friday for a wedding.

On Thursday, we drove to Bellville earlier than we’d planned so that we could see Ella compete in the Little Miss Austin County competition:

Her outfit was adorable, and she told the judge she wanted to be a singer when she grew up. When the judge asked who her favorite singer was she said “My daddy.” I turned to Evan and said “I didn’t know you sang?” He replied “I didn’t either” and we all laughed a little. It was pretty cute.

In between the contest and the awards, Ella, Jack and Grayson shared juice boxes and candy confections.

Afterwards, we went and got dinner. While I was chomping down on a humungous turkey leg, Christine took this photo of Momo and the kids:

Then it was time to ride rides. And boy did we ever. Momo sprung for about $60 worth of carnival ride tickets, and the kids used them all up in the course of about an hour or so. Grayson and Ella were cute as they watched the other kids ride, while they took a moment to say “I love you” to each other:

The rode a train ride, and a truck ride, and a motorcycle ride, and a helicopter ride, and an airplane ride. Jack went way up in the air on the burlap sack slippy slidey ride. Twice. All by himself. It was pretty cool to see him having that much fun on something that high, all by himself.

Then, for the last ride, Jack and Grayson and I rode the big ferris wheel. Here we are before the ride, looking up at it:

After the rides, we moseyed over to the cars. On the way, we rode a few tractors.

On Friday morning, we got up and ate breakfast at Momos house, and then headed to the fair. We got there early enough to claim our premium seating, next to the little house with a dirt drive way (okay, I know, most houses in Bellville are like that, but you know the one I’m talking about, right there on that corner).

From our premium seats, we sat, and waited, and then watched:

The ambulances and fire trucks that passed by us were really loud. Again (they are loud every year). The kids got to meet the fire dog that was driving down the road too… he came right up to them and said hi. We also saw bands and big tractors.

Towards the end of the parade, the kids decided to lay down on a blanket to watch. It was a great trip:

Movie coming when I have time to edit it a little. It’s got some fun footage of Jack driving a jeep after dark. The rest of the photos are here.

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 288 user reviews.

August 28th was Grayson first day of school ever. It was Jack’s first day of school this year too. They were pretty adorable, dressed in their shorts and t-shirts and their own backpacks:

More photos here.

And the next day, we all discovered how absolutely goofy their dad is.

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 200 user reviews.

On July 31st, Grayson found a pair of boots of mine, and started walking around the kitchen in them. It was hilarious:

while Jack dressed up in an elephant towel:

I love my boys!

Average Rating: 4.5 out of 5 based on 267 user reviews.

In late July, Christine and I took the boys up to the Arboretum for fun one day.

These photos were the result:

More here.

That was a fun day, let me tell you.

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 261 user reviews.

Back in July, Christine decided on a Monday that it had just been too long since she’d see Oma, and it was time to go see her.

So, on a Tuesday, she threw the boys in the car, called her Dad and asked him if he wanted to go visit Oma with her… said she’d be in Dallas in a few hours to spend the night, and hit the road.

I stayed in Austin to man the fort.

She got to Dallas, let the boys plan with Nana and Papa, and spent the night. Then that next morning, Frank and her and the boys hit to road to Tulsa.

They spent a day or two with Uncle Ben and Aunt Gayle, and spent a lot of time with Oma, and had a blast.

See all of the photos here.

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 150 user reviews.

I’m finally finding some time to focus on, and specifically to get some photos up that we’ve had just sitting around…

Here’s the first installment of those photos:

Momo came and visited us this summer a couple of times. This gallery has most of those photos from her June/July trip.

The did things like playing in the back yard, made oatmeal cookies (and ate a lot of the dough) and other fun stuff. We rode bikes.

We also headed out to the lake and spent time with Momo, Evan, Shadel and Ella. Ella and Jack just loved playing together, Grayson and I hung out, and Evan cooked a little.

You’ve gotta love these shoes Grayson was caught wearing, and the sunglasses too.

We all swam. Ella jumped in the poolGrayson floated… and Jack and Ella were cute… then Grayson got tired.

We fished. We swam in the lake. We kayaked. We Jet Skied… All of us. Grayson and Jack.

Check out all the photos from her trip up to Austin here.

Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 230 user reviews.

We’re in Dallas this week (after a quick trip to Tulsa for a wedding).

When we got here, Frank told us that he’d set up his old camping tent in the back yard for Jack and Grayson to play in while we were here (keeping them outside is a great idea, by the way).

So last night, Jack and I “went camping” and slept in the tent.

We went to be around 8:30, and by 8:45 Jack was snoring. I think I was probably asleep pretty soon after (I remember Christine waking me up to check on us at some point).

I woke up on and off all night, but not because I was all that uncomfortable (the weather is perfect for camping right now), rather because Jack sleeps like a jack rabbit on speed. The kid tossed and turned all night. At one point, I woke up and Jack had his foot on my neck, and was kicking me repeatedly for some reason…

We finally woke up around 6:45 a.m. this morning, and to be honest, I was well rested, and glad that the beating I was taking was over.

We went inside, and turned on Curious George, and all was well with the world.

Fun times!

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 214 user reviews.

I put this movie together months ago, but never fully edited it until last week. So, here it is:

Jack helping his daddy put together a ceiling fan.

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 232 user reviews.