On April 7th, Christine met Joan at the park, and Grayson, Jack, Leo and Lydia all played. And as you can tell from the photos, they had a blast:

What you can’t tell from the photos is that Jack and Grayson played so hard at the park that JAck fell asleep on the couch while Christine was putting Grayson down for his nap when they got home:

That was a first!

Average Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 244 user reviews.

On April 8th, after work, Christine, Jack Grayson and I took a little walk in the neighborhood. Well, we took a walk with a bicycle and a dog that is…

Grayson tried to break into a neighbor’s car.

At some point, Jack ditched the bike on the side of the road, and got on “Daddy’s shoulders” while Grayson walked the dog in front of us:

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 288 user reviews.

On April 9th, Christine took the boys to get their haircut. While they were out, they went to the little wooden toy factory next door to the hair-dresser’s.

She took this super cute photo of them riding the horses outside the toy shop:

Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 210 user reviews.

On the morning of April 8th, while waiting for Jack to get out of school, Christine took Grayson to the State Capitol building for a tour. And boy was Grayson touristy.

First he chased squirrels around the grounds:

Then he spent some time climbing back and forth over the curb in front of the building. Then Grayson checked out the little cannon out front that was given to the Republic of Texas by General Chambers in 1836:

After that it was up the steps into the building where he gave Christine a tour of the statues in the foyer:

After spending time inside, the two of them went out to the fountains in front of the building where Grayson checked out the water and started picking flowers…

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 216 user reviews.

So, here it is, almost the end of April, and I’m just now getting around to posting a group of photo sets from the end of March… Sorry… these would have been up earlier this week if I wasn’t having problems with englers.org this week. I ended up having to reinstall the whole site from a backup, so hopefully nothing to missing from this week and last. Nevertheless… I’m not traveling this coming month (hopefully that’ll stay true) so hopefully we’ll find more time to post updates and photos. The thing for me to remember is that I really want to spend more time with the kids, not necessarily time writing about the kids… But, hopefully I can do both this coming month.

Anyways, on with the show…

Here are some photo galleries from mid-March through the end of March:

Jack runningMarch 15, 2008: Around the House – just some photos of Jack and Grayson playing at home, when it was just the three of us… Christine was out shopping or maybe riding her bike (she’s become quite the little cyclist lately).

March 18, 2008: At the table – These photos are of Grayson having a blast at dinner getting food and pudding all over himself. There are also some good action thoughts of Jack in his underwear jumping off the couch arm onto the couch seat, which was pretty funny, and was in no small part responsible for Grayson’s laughing…

March 23, 2008: Easter 2008 – This year, we did Easter in Austin, for a variety of logistical reasons, and we all had a blast. The kids had a few opportunities to collect eggs, get candy, and spend time with friends. We did the First United Methodist Egg Hunt on the lawn of the State Capital. The Easter Bunny left baskets of candy for us, and we went over to Leo and Lydia’s (Ted and Joan) house for an Easter Hunt and Easter Dinner.

March 28, 2008: Momo’s House – We drove down to Bellville this last weekend in March, and had a BLAST with Evan, Shadel, Ella and Momo. I won’t say anything more about these photos except to say that the kids were adorable in the outfits they dressed up in while a Momo’s:

March 29, 2008: Evan’s House – . This group of photos is from Evan’s house and has a lots of great shots of the kids, Jack, Grayson and Ella. Suffice it to say the kids had a blast playing in the yard with each other.

March 30, 2008: Ella’s Birthday – Shadel and Evan hosted Ella’s Fourth Birthday Party (she’s already four… I can’t believe that) at the Teddy Bear Factory at Katy Mills Mall in Katy on March 30th. The party was a blast. The kids spent a lot of time before the party playing on a bunch of rides that were in the mall concourse (since when do rides cost $2.00 to ride on?) – they also walked down to the Rainforest Cafe and looked at the elephants and alligators. Then during the party, we had pizza and cake. After cake, the kids got to build their own bears, and afterwards we all went home, fat and happy.

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 271 user reviews.

On the weekend of 3/14 the weather was gorgeous so Christine and I loaded up Jack and Grayson and headed to Kiddie Acres in Austin.

Kiddie Acres is like that old amusement park you used to go to with your parents or aunt and uncles when you were a kid. They have old rides like a mini-ferris wheel, airplanes, jeeps, pony rides and a train.

We had a blast with the kids:

ferris wheel

ferris wheel

We hope to get back soon.

Look at all of the photos here.

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 274 user reviews.