The gentleman that owns the house that we made an offer on accepted our counter to his counter tonight. We’re inspecting the house on Monday, and then we have until next Friday (July 6th) to decide if we want to buy it.

Unless there’s a major structural issue with the house (crazy termites or foundation problems), we’re pretty sure we’ll be buying this house.

The closing date at this point will be August 31st, so we’ve still got a long way to go before we own it, and then it needs a total remodel… so it might be October before we move into it (hopefully we can get all of the work done that fast) but it’ll be a lot bigger and more spacious for us once it’s all said and done…

Now we just need to sell our current house 😉

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 189 user reviews.

Our realtor came by the house tonight at 8:30 p.m. We felt horrible she was coming by so late, because Christine was having second-thoughts about the idea of moving, and leaving our wonderful neighborhood.

After discussing it for about 30 minutes, we signed the offer letter, and sent Elizabeth on her way… then we went to bed and read remodeling magazines…

We’re both exhausted and hope the boys sleep in in the morning…

Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 240 user reviews.

On May 6th, I stayed home with Grayson one morning while Christine too Jack to school.

We had fun sitting on a blanket, just talking: man to man. No one else around, just us.

I hope we have more talks like this when Grayson is older and can actually talk.

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 269 user reviews.

Christine shot this movie of Grayson sitting in his crib on May 2nd. He’s such a happy baby:

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 158 user reviews.

Christine and I missed Maly’s First Birthday Party this year, because Christine and the kids weren’t feeling well.

So, we asked Elise and Josh to meet us at Zilker Park on Saturday May 5th, and we all had a grand time eating lunch together, then eating some cupcakes, and then riding the Zilker Train together:

Average Rating: 4.5 out of 5 based on 163 user reviews.

On May 27th, Jack, Grayson, and Christine and I headed out to Lakeway to spend the day with Debbie, Raymond and Todd.

We went down to Lake Travis, because the water is way up thanks to all the rain lately, and we fed the ducks, and then Christine and Jack waded into the lake at the “beach” and then when we got back to the lakehouse, Grayson sat in Debbie’s boot for a picture 😉

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 150 user reviews.

Back on May 8th, Christine and Jack were really silly.

I was sitting on the couch with Grayson, when all of a sudden, Christine and Jack came running into the living room, making siren noises and stopping and “spraying” … so I grabbed the camera and started video taping… then I realized they were “playing fire engine.” It was good fun:

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 229 user reviews.

On June 2nd, Jack and I “went for a bike ride” right after Jack woke up from a nap. He was still kind of groggy, but I had the camera with me, so I shot a little video of him chatting with me about Aggie Football and going to the park:

Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 299 user reviews.

Here’s a movie we shot at home on June 1st. Jack’s pretty silly at the beginning, and Grayson makes some great noises while he’s thinking about standing up on the couch:

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 152 user reviews.

Jack and I got out his four-pack of Play-Doh this morning, only to realize that no matter what combination you mix all four colors in, they always turn green.

Yellow + Blue + Red + Green = Green.

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 257 user reviews.