• Taking the three year old to Home Depot – the Methodist substitute for Church on Sunday. #
  • Jack changed my mind. Now we are heading to the park. #
  • went to the park at Central Market. Then to the Domain to play. Ended up buying Leopard. #

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 284 user reviews.

  • Driving to College Station to watch the game with Jack. Great weather for football! #

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 225 user reviews.

  • Sitting in First Class on a flight to Seattle out of DFW at 10 pm. What I wouldn’t give to be at home. #
  • Finally getting on a plane from SEA to AUS after waiting in the airport for 3 hours. #

Average Rating: 4.5 out of 5 based on 183 user reviews.

  • Sweet. Sold our old house today. We close on 11/16. Woohoo! #

Average Rating: 4.5 out of 5 based on 276 user reviews.

  • I can’t believe I made it through O’hare security and to my flight in 15 minutes. #

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 247 user reviews.

  • Driving to the lakehouse for Graysons 1 year old birthday party. You should see the cake Christine made last night. #

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 247 user reviews.

  • Its 11pm and we just put the kids to bed. Small town fairs wear me out! #
  • i am at the North Austin Texas DPS office getting a replacement drivers license. Would you believe they don’t take credit cards? #
  • Governent offices are so horribly inefficient. 40 minutes to get a replacement license. #

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 174 user reviews.

Two more movies for you folks.

The first is a movie of Jack and Grayson, generally playing in Jack’s room… Daddy makes an appearance or two as well:

The second is a few segments of Jack and Grayson playing with cars, and then playing with their push carts (which Jack calls his “cars” too):

Average Rating: 4.8 out of 5 based on 273 user reviews.

  • Jack, Grayson and I are in Bellville, TX on our own for the night (actually we’re with my mom). Having fun in the house where I grew up. #
  • Life is so much slower and enjoyable I’m a town of 3, 000. There is no free wifi anywhere in Bellville as far as I know. Not even any p … #
  • When I retire I will open a coffee shop in a small town and offer free wifi. #
  • Sitting on highway 159 in Bellville. Waiting on the Austin County Fair parade. #

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 293 user reviews.

You may be wondering if we’re still taking photos of Jack or Grayson, since we haven’t posted any since July.

The short answer is: yes, we’re taking photos and movies. In fact, here’s a list of galleries I’ve posted, but haven’t linked to yet:

  • Jack and Grayson – Just some random photos from October 8th.
  • Aggies vs. OSU – Christine, Jack and I drove down to watch A&M play Oklahoma State. It was a tough game, and Jack didn’t nap on the way to College Station. In fact, when Christine asked Jack if he would take a nap, he said “No, I can sleep at the Aggie game.” Little did we realize that he would fall asleep not too long after half-time, and remain asleep the entire 3rd and 4th quarters. Christine held him for the 3rd quarter, and I held him through the 4th and carried him all the way to the car.
  • The Morning – just some totally random photos of Jack, Grayson and Wesley the morning before we drove down to the Aggie vs. Oklahoma State game.
  • Popsicles! – This was a fun day. Jack and Grayson and I went outside with two fruit popsicles, and ate them as the sun set… it was pretty messy by the time we were done eating them.
  • Grayson’s Boob Tube – Grayson on his caterpillar chair, watching the TV.
  • Ella and Jack – in Bellville at Ella’s house.
  • BandAids – Jack loves to wear BandAids, and puts them where ever he has a “bo bo”
  • Jack at School – from Jack’s first day of school this year… outside with his backpack.

The long answer is: yes, we’re taking photos and movies, but because of all the stuff going on in our lives, we’re not taking time to look at them like we did three months ago, and finding time to actually post them online has proven difficult. Which is why I’m now posting this at 1:30 in the morning… had to find time to do it, and this is when I found it.

Average Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 198 user reviews.

Grayson is a talker… boy is that kid a talker. Right now, he doesn’t say many words, but he sure does talk alot.

His first word was “Jack”, his big brother’s name. On September 29th, Jack and I were at an Aggie game in College Station all day… and Grayson and Christine were in Austin, at the house. Grayson kept crawling all over the house, looking for stuff to do, and Christine finally asked him “Are you looking for Jack?” Grayson replied, “Daaaat”.

Christine said “Jack?” and Grayson said “Dat.”

So, Christine started walking around the house calling for Jack: “Ja-aaack!” and Grayson followed around behind her yelling “Da-aaaaat!”



Over and over again…

And when we got home from the game, which was right before Grayson’s bedtime, Grayson freaked out when we walked in the door… “Da-aaaat!”

It was pretty cool to know that Grayson loves his brother, missed him a lot, and knows how to call his name.

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 188 user reviews.

  • Driving to the aggie game. #

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 226 user reviews.

On September 11th, Christine took Jack and Grayson for a ride in the little red wagon while I was in California for work:

They are so much fun at this age. Jack loves his little brother, and Grayson is learning and copying everything Jack does.

In the video, you’ll see that Grayson is playing with his little duck toy, but instead of doing what he normally does with it, he’s putting it in the sides of the wagon like he just saw Jack do.

They’re growing up to fast.

Average Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 292 user reviews.

  • It’s good to be back home in Austin for a while. The weather is tunrning nice, and I’m not planning on traveling for at least two weeks. #

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 277 user reviews.

On 9/1, Christine and Grayson were home alone while Jack and I were at an Aggie Football game, and Christine had the video camera:

He’s so funny with that camera.

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 183 user reviews.