The gentleman that owns the house that we made an offer on accepted our counter to his counter tonight. We’re inspecting the house on Monday, and then we have until next Friday (July 6th) to decide if we want to buy it.

Unless there’s a major structural issue with the house (crazy termites or foundation problems), we’re pretty sure we’ll be buying this house.

The closing date at this point will be August 31st, so we’ve still got a long way to go before we own it, and then it needs a total remodel… so it might be October before we move into it (hopefully we can get all of the work done that fast) but it’ll be a lot bigger and more spacious for us once it’s all said and done…

Now we just need to sell our current house 😉

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4 Replies to “”

  1. Congratulations!! You two never cease to surprise us.

    Love, Nana & Papa

  2. When will I be able to see the house? I was hoping you would have some photos posted here by now. Now I’m left to wonder. I’m happy for you four Englers even thou no photos!

  3. Christine, the video tour was great…Was this a book store posing as a home??? At least the owners are well read. The house is nice and roomy, less the books so the boys can roam all over when the weather is bad outside. And when the weather is nice, the back yard is beautiful for all to enjoy. Love, Janice

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