This Christmas was Jack and Ella’s first Christmas.

What a special Christmas is was too. It snowed in Houston on Christmas Eve. Who’d have guessed Jack and Ella might get a white Christmas on their first Christmas … in Houston!?

We all met in Houston at Aunt Debbie’s for the annual Teaff family Christmas on Christmas Eve, along with about 40 other people (maybe more). Debbie and Raymond truly are fantastic hosts, and we’re thankful they continue to host Christmas for the whole family, year after year.

Jack and Ella were looking forward to seeing Santa. Jack was also anticipating meeting the rest of the Teaff side of the family, as this was his first outing to meet the family.

Ella is now 9 months old, and Jack is one month old.

All of the kids and adults had a wonderful time at Christmas… heck, even Wesley enjoyed himself, much to the dismay of one of Raymond and Debbie’s guest.

Presents were exchanged and Santa came and handed out gifts. He also asked everyone in attendance what they wanted for Christmas as they all sat on his lap. Poor ol’ Santa’s knees sure got a work-out (there were lots of families that Santa granted family pictures to, including ours).

I think everyone got what they wanted for Christmas, most of all, everyone seems to be in good health and great spirits, and looking forward to 2005.

I’ve put some photos from Christmas online here. Bless you all this holiday season and Happy New Year!

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This past weekend, Christine and I loaded up the car, and took Jack on his first outing. We drove to Fayettville to meet Evan, Shadel and Ella, and Reese, Karen and their 7 month old little girl Gabby.

We tried to take some family photos while we were there (the 6 of us) but I set the camera up wrong before I handed it to Reese, so we didn’t get photos, but we did get some video footage, and it turned out really cute, so…

I took the video footage that we shot this weekend and made a little video montage for you all. Enjoy. [Quicktime is required]

Click the image below to see the movie.

A Trip to Fayettville

I posted a few photos from the trip as well.

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Since Christine and I are just sitting around the house this weekend waiting for a baby to come, I figured I’d play with iMovie and see if I couldn’t figure out how to work it.

I figure I’m gonna need to know how to create a movie for when we start putting movies of the kiddo online, to share with our friends and family, and I’d rather know a little about what I’m doing before the video footage is important, so, I whipped up a little vonage from some footage I shot Evan, Shadel and Ella were up in Austin on July 25th…

I think it came out really cute, and hope you do to.

You can watch the small [10MB] version of the film here, on my .Mac account, or you can watch the large [45MB] version of the film here [Quicktime required for both versions].

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The last time Christine and I went to Bellville to visit Ella, she was standing up in her crib, and was too cute. She reminded me of the phrase “Kilroy was here” so we snapped a picture:


Isn’t she adorable?

Looks just like the grafitti doesn’t she:


Anyways, as I was writing this, I wondered where that phrase comes from, and found this website to help answer that question. If you’re interested, read more at

There are a couple more pictures of her and Wesley playing here.

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This weekend Evan and Shadel brought Ella to Austin. It was their first trip to Austin since we moved into the new house, and Ella’s first trip ever (there are going to be a lot of those ‘firsts’ aren’t there?)

We had a great, relaxing and fun weekend.

On Friday night, we stayed home and watched a movie, then Christine and I took turns watching the baby during the night.

On Saturday, Christine and Shadel treated themselves to a visit to the salon. Evan and I spent the day visiting Home Depot, killing wasps nests, mowing the yard, replacing a few sprinkler heads, playing PS2 and Nintendo, and watching the baby. We all then went to Hula Hut for dinner before calling it a night at 8:30 or 9:00.

Sunday brought french toast and Lil’ Smokies for breakfast courtesy of Christine, and then Evan and I took a trip to Home Depot again before getting the garage somwhat into shape with the addition of 3 nice shelves and a little organization.

Then we had a late lunch at Freebirds World Burrito before the three of them headed back to Bellville.

Ella’s all of three weeks old now, and is a wonderful baby.

Josh and Elise came over for Sunday night dinner and Suprano’s. Josh made a mean queso for all of us, and we enjoyed the show while catching up on each other’s varied happenings.

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Baby Ella turned one week old this past weekend… and she had lots of visitors all weekend.

Christine and I went down to Bellville and spent the weekend with Evan and Shadel, and had some fun times with the new little girl of the family. She’s truly a darling little baby, and is extremely well mannered. She makes the funniest faces, and poses for the camera well:

Ella has many caring people in her life, and we’re all blessed to know her.

There’s more pictures of Ella here to look at… see her taking her first car ride, taking a first bath, thinking hard and looking beautiful.

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Well, she did it. Ella Christine was born to Evan and Shadel on Saturday, March 13th, 2004 at 10:22 pm.

She came into this world after about 18 hours of labor… poor Shadel was a trooper through all of it…

Ella is a beautiful little baby (see all of the photos here), and very well mannered.

She’s passing all of her tests with flying colors while at the hospital.Evan and Shadel are being model parents, and all of the grandparents, uncles and aunts and everyone else are very proud of them and Ella.

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Evan and Shadel are close to having their baby… only 9 more days until Shadel is due.

Shadel is doing fine… enjoying these final few days…We’re all looking forward to March 17th.

Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 236 user reviews.