If you’re a friend of mine, you’ve probably heard me speak of the Lockett family, or at least Nanny and Bussy Fox.

Background: When we moved to Bellville, my mom was befriended by many people in the local Methodist church, and one of those families was the Fox family (Nanny and Bussy). Another was the Lockett family (Wayne, Vicki, Rob, Lori, Reese, and Haley). Rob and I were best of friends before we hit the double digits in age, and Vicki is Nanny and Bussy’s daughter, so Rob is their grandson. Vicki’s sister’s name is Amy Burt and she has two daughters: Sarah and Kari.

Last night my mom called me with news that Amy had been in a pretty serious car wreck in Abilene (about 2 hours west of Fort Worth) and that it was pretty bad. I still don’t have the exact details, but I just got off the phone with Bussy, and it’s pretty bad. I know that she took on a lot of blood, and some of her internal organs were damaged. She also has some majorly broken bones.

Bussy just told me that she’s been upgraded from ‘critical’ to ‘stable’ so she’s come a long way. He also said that the doctors really didn’t expect her to make it through the first night, so to me its a blessing that she’s come this far (she’s been in the hospital since Thursday of last week). I’m sitting here, having a hard time working, mainly because my thoughts keep drifting towards Vicki, Nanny, and Sarah and Kari… I know that Amy means a lot to them, and I keep praying that she recovers quickly, though from the sound of it, it’s going to take a while.

They still haven’t done much reconstructive surgery, just the life-saving stuff at this point, but they’re working on all of the procedures that will have to be done.

Christine and I are driving out to Abilene tonight to tell them all that we love them, and to show Amy that she means a lot to us. I’ll try to write an update after we see them all, and get some more information.

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